How to wash colored items in the washing machine: all the steps to avoid mistakes

Washing coloured garments in the washing machine is simple and effective, as long as you always consider the colour combination, the wash programme and the right detergent to avoid unwanted stains or discolouration.

In general, we recommend that you sort coloured items in the washing machine into three main groups: white, coloured and dark. This will help to preserve the colours of your garments and keep them bright and vibrant.

Discover our advice on how to wash coloured clothes in the washing machine so you never make a washing mistake again!

Which colors can be washed together?

To avoid making mistakes, start by separating the coloured garments in the washing machine, starting with the whites, remembering that it is better to wash them separately or with other whites to prevent them from getting stained by dyes on other garments.

Coloured items can be washed together if they are of a similar colour. For example, you can wash yellow, red and orange items together, but avoid mixing very different colours.

Dark colours, such as black or blue, should be washed separately or with other dark clothes: to be extremely careful, avoid combining them with lighter colours as they may fade.

It is also important to follow the washing instructions on the label of each item to avoid damage, which may be irreparable, and to prolong the life and good quality of the fabrics. For example, if you are unsure about the colour fastness of a particular item, do not risk it and wash it separately or by hand.

Finally, remember to always use the right detergent and set your washing machine to the right cycle and temperature to protect the colours of your clothes. By following these guidelines, your garments will retain their lustre and vibrancy for longer.

Which program to use for colored clothes in the washing machine?

When washing coloured garments in the washing machine, it is important to choose the right programme to maintain the vibrancy of the colours and ensure effective cleaning. The most suitable programme for coloured 'everyday' items is the 'Coloureds' cycle, which is available on most washing machines.

However, the Delicates cycle has been specifically designed to protect the most delicate fabrics, such as soft fabrics or lingerie made of lace or tulle, including, of course, coloured garments. This programme uses lower temperatures and a gentler machine movement to prevent fading and fraying. In addition, we recommend using a special detergent for colours as it contains agents that help to fix colour pigments in fabrics.

Some washing machines may have a special programme for coloured garments, which offers further protection for fabrics: we recommend that you read your washing machine's manual carefully to find out all the options available.

Also, avoid overloading your washing machine to allow your clothes to move freely and get an even wash. Remember to always read the washing instructions on the garment label and follow the temperature and spin instructions.

By using a "Delicates" or "Colours" cycle and taking these precautions, your coloured garments will retain their brilliance and cleanliness every time you wash them.

Want to know all about washing programmes but don't know where to start? Check out our guide to reading washing labels.

At what temperature should coloured fabrics be washed?

The ideal temperature to wash your coloured clothes in the washing machine depends on the type of fabric and the colour of the clothes. In general, we recommend that you use cold or lukewarm water for coloured garments, as temperatures that are too high can damage the vibrancy of the colours or cause them to shrink.

Almost all coloured fabrics can be washed effectively at temperatures between 20° and 40°. These temperatures are high enough to remove dirt or perspiration, but not so high as to weaken the colour pigments.

However, if you have very delicate garments or if the washing label states a lower temperature or even hand wash, we recommend that you follow these instructions to avoid damage.

If you have particularly dirty or stubborn stains, you can choose to wash at a slightly higher temperature, up to 60°, but only if the fabric and colours are suitable for this temperature.

Always remember to use a special detergent for colours, as these contain agents that help to keep the colours bright and protect the fabrics. Also, do not overload the washing machine for a better and more even wash.

Which detergent should you choose to wash colored items in the washing machine?

To wash coloured garments in the washing machine, we recommend that you use a colour-specific detergent, such as Chanteclair Colour Washing Machine Detergent .
This type of detergent contains gentle formulations that help to protect fabric pigments and preserve vibrant colours for longer. Look for a detergent that does not contain bleach or whiteners to prevent colour fading. Choose a product that is formulated to wash at low temperatures. Choosing the right detergent will help keep colours vibrant and fabrics looking new!

Take note!

Washing coloured clothes in the washing machine requires a few precautions to preserve the brilliance and vibrancy of the colours. Here are 5 useful tips:

  1. Separate the items: separate the coloured items from the white and dark ones to avoid stains.
  2. Choose the right detergent: using a detergent specifically for coloured garments, without bleach, is your secret to protecting the pigments and preventing fading.
  3. Temperature: always prefer low or moderate temperatures, such as 20°, 30° or 40°, to avoid colour damage. Increase the temperature slightly and only when necessary.
  4. Adequate load: to ensure an even and effective wash, do not overload the washing machine.
  5. Wash inside out: Turn items inside out before washing to reduce wear and tear on the fabric and further protect colours.
  6. Avoid soaking and bleaching: as these practices can seriously affect the vibrancy of coloured garments.

By following our advice and following the washing instructions on the garment label, you can successfully maintain the beauty and vibrancy of your garments for a long time to come!

Chanteclair products for clothing care

How to treat fabrics

Follow our recommendations and discover how to take care of your laundry.

How to treat fabrics

Follow our recommendations and discover how to take care of your laundry.


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